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Bishy Barnabees Cottage Garden

Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll' White (Love-in-a-mist)

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This hardy annual features remarkable, delicate foliage and dazzling white blooms. Often referred to as Love in a Mist, Nigella is distinguished by its attractive flowers, leaves, and seed pods, which can be used in cut-flower arrangements. To cultivate in the spring for a summer flower, sow outdoors; to have blooms earlier the following year, sow outside in August-September, or indoors in October. This easy to grow flower is a great addition to any garden, providing distinctive colours and textures. It produces a minimal amount of pollen, so it is great for people with allergies, plus it is deer resistant.

  • Seed Quantity: 400 Seeds
  • Type: Hardy Annual
  • Genus: Nigella damascena
  • Sow Seeds: Sow directly into the soil in Autumn or Spring and cover lightly, alternatively sow into modules in September-October and over-winter in an unheated greenhouse to plant out the following spring.  Germination approx 10-14 days.  Beautiful seedpods as the flower fade.
  • Plant Out: Plant the following spring if not directly sown
  • Flowers: Summer
  • Height & Spread: 45cm high x 20cm spread

Nigella damascena ’Miss Jekyll White’ (Love-in-a-mist)Nigella damascena ’Miss Jekyll White’ (Love-in-a-mist)

RHS Award of Garden Merit.

This plant/cultivar has been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit because it has proved to be reliable in appropriate conditions and a good performing plant. 

RHS Plants for Pollinators.

The RHS Plants for Pollinators mark is only given to plants that support pollinating insects.

    Nigella damascena &
    Nigella damascena & Nigella damascena &