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Bishy Barnabees Cottage Garden

Forget-me-not (White)

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Beautiful and dainty, Forget-me-nots are a classic springtime cottage garden flower, and now we also sell them in white, these provide wonderful ground cover and look glorious amongst wallflowers and tulips in spring.

Once they have flowered, leave the plants in place and allow the seeds to fall naturally. Leave to overwinter and then relocate the new little seedlings to where you want them early the following spring.

  • Seed Quantity: 500 Seeds
  • Type: Short-lived Perennial/Biennial
  • Genus: Myosotis alpestris
  • Sow Seeds: Sow them in May-June onto moist compost and cover very lightly.  They are fully hardy and will flower the following April-June.  Germination takes 14-18 days.  Keep moist but do not overwater.  Once they are large enough to handle, prick them out and pot on.
  • Plant Out: Acclimatise gradually before planting them out into the garden in early autumn.  Or if you prefer you can sow the seeds directly in May/June once all risk of frost has passed.
  • Flowers: April-June
  • Height & Spread: 10-15cm high x 10-15cm spread

Forget-me-not (White)

RHS Plants for Pollinators.

The RHS Plants for Pollinators mark is only given to plants that support pollinating insects.

    Close-up of a Forget-me-not (White) plant with delicate white blossoms in a forest environment
    White Forget-me-nots blooming amidst green grass in a garden
    Cluster of white Forget-me-not flowers with yellow centers in a natural woodland setting
    Logo of RHS Plants for Pollinators indicating suitability for attracting pollinators