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Bishy Barnabees Cottage Garden

Phacelia Tanacetifolia

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Phacelia must be the best flower ever if you want to attract bees, hoverflies and other pollinators to your garden….they adore it!

A very informal flower, perfect for a cottage garden. It is a beautiful lavender in colour, has a sweet scent, flowers for ages and lasts well in a vase.

Phacelia is a hardy annual so you can sow it in April but for stronger, earlier flowers it’s best to sow it in September direct where they are to grow. A really easy-going flower to grow, all it asks for is full sun.

  • Seed Quantity: 500 Seeds
  • Type: Annual
  • Genus: Phacelia tanacetifolia
  • Sow Seeds: Sow in April or September direct into a weed-free bed.  Sow thinly, cover the seeds lightly with soil and keep moist whilst they germinate.  Thin to 30cm apart.  Likes full sun.
  • Plant Out: Sown Direct
  • Flowers: June-August
  • Height & Spread: 60cm high x 30cm spread

Phacelia Tanacetifolia

RHS Plants for Pollinators.

The RHS Plants for Pollinators mark is only given to plants that support pollinating insects.

    Detailed image of a Phacelia tanacetifolia flower amidst green foliage
    Bee hovering above Phacelia tanacetifolia blooms in a garden setting
    Expansive field of Phacelia tanacetifolia with sunlight filtering through
    Insect pollinator visiting the vibrant purple Phacelia tanacetifolia flowers
    Phacelia tanacetifolia, a RHS Plants for Pollinators variety
    Phacelia tanacetifolia flowers against a clear blue sky in a garden
    Phacelia tanacetifolia plant with a mix of green leaves and purple blooms
    Cluster of Phacelia tanacetifolia blooms showcasing their purple hues
    Person holding a mixed bouquet featuring Phacelia tanacetifolia flowers
    Close-up view of the intricate purple blossoms of Phacelia tanacetifolia
    Macro shot of a single Phacelia tanacetifolia flower with multiple florets