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Bishy Barnabees Cottage Garden

Cornflower Mauve Boy

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Beloved by bees and pollinators, beautiful, informal and just perfect for a cottage garden. Cornflowers make a brilliant-cut flower as they last so well in a vase and look wonderful amongst other blooms.

This variety is a soft lavender colour, an incredibly delicate and pretty flower yet robust, easy to grow and a great self-seeder.  Keep cutting and the flowers will keep on coming.

  • Seed Quantity: 400 Seeds
  • Type: Annual
  • Genus: Centaurea cyanus
  • Sow Seeds: Sow in September for larger, stronger plants and/or in late April.  Can be sown in modules to transplant later or direct into the soil.  Pre-water the soil before sowing.  Sow thinly and cover only very lightly. Do not let the soil dry out.  Grow in poor, well-drained soil and in full sun and it is advisable to grow through some netting as they are prone to flopping over in high winds without support.
  • Plant Out: July- October.  Keep cutting and deadheading to encourage more blooms
  • Flowers: June-September
  • Height & Spread: 60-90cm high x  30cm spread

Cornflower Mauve Boy

RHS Plants for Pollinators.

The RHS Plants for Pollinators mark is only given to plants that support pollinating insects.

    Cornflower Mauve Boy plant with vibrant purple and blue blooms
    Cornflower Mauve Boy, a plant recognized as beneficial for pollinators
    Close-up of the Cornflower Mauve Boy&
    Cornflower Mauve Boy flower emerging among tall grasses